Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's almost here!

Fall! It's upon us! And although the season doesn't officially begin until September 23, I think the weather is finally headed that way. I've already dressed my kiddos up in their new long sleeve shirts and crisp jeans. Love it. We are going to be getting very busy starting next week- my parents and family are moving to Tennessee on Monday, which happens to be Hayden's first day of preschool! It will definitely be a day of mixed emotions. I am so excited for Hayden to start school and will be making a very big deal out of it for him, but I am going to be devastated when my parents leave. So, to keep my mind off of being here alone, I plan to keep myself very busy- MOPS, bible study, Daybreak, volunteering in Hayden's class, and lots of fun fall activities. I'm going to try to make even the smallest things special for my kids, since Papa Bear and Marmie won't be here. To kick off this idea, we are going to have a 'Welcome Autumn!' Party! I love fall and all the colors and scents and decorations, and if I could I would already have my whole house decked out in fabulous fall decor. But, since fall doesn't start until the 23rd, I'm waiting til the night before then to get everything out, that way when the kids wake up in the morning it will be an autumn wonderland! Complete with pumpkin muffins and apple cider for breakfast, and then a Fall Feast that evening. It's going to be grand! Some other fun fall plans include:

Charger's Football Kick-off Party

A trip to Whitehouse Fruitfarms

A couple trips to the pumpin patch!

Columbiana Maze Craze

yummy treats! :-)

I've also started planning my kid's birthdays, gifts, and Christmas lists. Since all three of their birthdays are within five weeks of each other, and they are all big ones this year (1, 2, & 5) I figure I might as well get started early. So far, only Hayden's has a theme. And I am super super excited about it! The party is going to be so cute! Reagan is too young for most of the character themes, and the non-character ones are too boring. Have to keep looking. And then Jameson, I want his 1st birthday to be extra special and I just can't find the perfect idea yet. Still time. And then Christmas this year, while not spent entirely with my parents and family, is still going to be amazing! I've been reading and searching for ideas to make the season extra special! I want to start new holiday traditions with my littles so that this time of year is as highly anticipated for them as it is for me! Can you tell I love the holidays? Alright, time to get back to my real, non-holiday life..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

some pictures..

my attempt at taking a cute picture of these two
trying to get to the kids outside
playing checkers at cracker barrel
getting into mommy's magazines

riding a two-wheeler!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my growing littles

It's hard to believe how big my babies are getting! They change and grow so much everyday, like if I blink I'll miss it. Right before my eyes my littlest has transformed from a sedentary sleeping baby to a full-on mover! He is now scooting absolutely everywhere, he sits up on his own, and is eating so many new foods! He loves diced fruits and vegetables, and even the occasional pizza crust.. bad mommy! :-) It is so nice to be getting over those messy baby foods! Jameson also loves his big sister. They sit together and she makes funny noises for which she is rewarded with shrieks and giggles! It is absolutely hilarious watching the two of them!

Reagan is also growing up.. too quickly! She isn't a baby anymore. She's turning into a little toddler! I can't believe how big she is getting. At the beginning of the summer she was just learning to walk, and now she chases her brother all over the place! The one bad thing she is learning is "no". "No, no no!" To everything she doesn't like. It just about drives me crazy! Can't wait until fall though! Reagan has the best fall/winter wardrobe! And I can't wait to dress her all up in it! Pictures will be posted as soon as the weather changes!

Big news for Hayden this week- he got a new big boy bike! He had been asking for one since spring and we were finally able to get one for him. It was kind of a must considering he had been sneaking over to his friends' houses to ride there bikes! AND he can ride it with no training wheels! Apparently something he learned away from home.. a little sad we won't have that memory-making experience of teaching of first child to ride his bike, not to mention the pictures! But, oh well. He is so very proud of himself and I wouldn't take that away from him!

My parents are moving to Tennessee next week. A sad event, to be sure. And I'm worried about how Hayden will handle it. Of course, Reagan will miss her Marmie and Papa very much too. We will definitely be visiting as much as possible, but it still won't be the same. Fortunately we will have a very busy schedule!

Friday, August 20, 2010

fun with friends!

I feel so blessed for the new friendships I'm developing and the old ones that are continuing to grow. When Hayden younger, I didn't have any mom friends. I was only twenty and everyone my age was still being young and all the moms with kids his age were so much older and more established that I was. It was such a difficult place to be. Now with two more kids added to the family and a wonderful church, I am finally in that place I so desperately wanted and needed to be in.

Yesterday, I took Hayden and Reagan to the park to meet my friend Jen and her kids, Noah and Kendra. It was warm, but considering how ridiculously hot it's been, it was a lovely day! And *surprise* some other friends were there for a playdate as well! So good to be able to visit with other moms while the kids got to play. Reagan is just big enough to wander around the playground by herself and it was fun watching her try and climb up and over things. Her favorite was definitely the swings! Every time I put my arms out to get her, she would wave me off and shake her head no. Too cute! After an entertaining picnic lunch, we headed to the kiddie pool. Man, if I had known that it was free to get in before, I would have taken the kids there sooner! Hayden, Noah and Kendra all had a blast. Reagan was a little unsure of the water at first, but she soon warmed up to it! After almost an hour of splashing and playing, our little ones were all tuckered out- time for a nap! So much fun and so thankful for such a good friend!

Today I was finally able to get together with friends Laney and Jaime! We had tried a couple weeks ago, but sick baby prevented that. Reagan stayed home with Daddy so I could sit and visit without trying to keep her in the highchair. The kids all played in the playland while the mommas sat and talked.. very loudly! Such an entertaining lunch! These are two rather new friends, although I've known them both for almost a year now. Glad that we've been able to get to know each other better over the summer! I'm looking forward to many new memories with these ladies! :-)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

welcome welcome

Finally. I am *finally* starting this blog. I had one before, but I failed miserably at it, the layout was all screwed up, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. So I now have a new one. To write about all the little things going on in my life, whether they be exciting, boring, happy, sad, crazy.. probably mostly crazy. Being a young mother to three young children can be/is very stressful!

Here's where we are now- Hayden is 4 1/2, a huge handful, and starting preschool the fall. He can't wait! He is a wonderful big brother and loves his babies very much. Reagan is 19 months and an absolute joy! She is such a loving, happy little thing. Everyone loves her! Jameson is 8 months old, has two little teeth, and is starting to eat more solid foods. He is such an adorable baby, with his big brown eyes and little dimples! He rolls around all over the place and is learning to sit up finally. We are so very happy with our little family. Children are the most wonderful blessing and we are so grateful for ours.